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Learn How You Can Implement a DMCA Takedown Notice

Intellectual property theft has been a thing for years since this is a digital world where anything happens either on purpose or not. When that happens, it has a denting image it paints on a brand’s reputation; if the necessary things are not done, it could be the downfall of such business. Therefore, protection via copyrights and trademarks are consequential. 

If you or your business is ever a victim of intellectual theft, a new strategy put in place can protect you – The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). It is useful in copyright violation so that the affected business or brand can file one to ensure reputation and property protection. 

What is the DMCA? 

The DMCA was established in 1998 as a means to extend the U.S. Copyright laws to the internet. Originally, it was an anti-piracy law to protect digital content; later, it was introduced to companies to restrict the use of products. 

Over the years, it became leverage in which many brands use to protect intellectual property. Unfortunately, not many brands know how to do this, even though DMCA takedowns increased exponentially. 

How to Implement a DMCA Takedown Notice? 

If your content is published on a website or platform, there are procedures to follow to implement the DMCA takedown notice fully. They include the following: 

  • Getting in Touch

Irrespective of who the author of copyright-violated content is, you should reach out to them. If it is on a website, contacting the web host or site owner is the way to go. You should ask that the content be taken down, or else legal actions will follow on your appointment. 

  • File a Takedown Notice

Whether another company or website violates your brand content, you should file a DMCA takedown notice with an internet service provider. There are templates online to create one for your content or brand. 

  • Complete Search Engine Removal 

With the publishing authorities handled, the next part is the complete removal from search engine results. Some offending sites may still have them, so you need to make sure it is off search results. Moreover, most search engines take preference into DMCA-related complaints by having a separate department to handle that. 

Implementing a DMCA takedown notice is an easy one to do, depending on the parties involved. From the above, your brand reputation is indeed a good reason to enforce copyright and trademark policies against intellectual property theft. 

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