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The Best tools to Track your SERPs

The development of Google’s own website rankings should be monitored with the help of a tool in any case. In this way, you can monitor the success of your own SEO measures and check if you are on the right track. In this article, I introduce free Google ranking tools and what they are perfect for.

Free Google Ranking Tools

Of course, there are professional SEO online tools that allow you to perform extensive automatic analysis of your own website rankings. But not every website operator can or wants to spend money on these tools every month.

That’s why I’ve looked at a few free Google Rankings tools and checked each of them for my board game blog.

Sistrix Smart

Sistrix Smart makes it possible to monitor a website for free. Contained are, among other ranking checks for an infinite number of keywords. This is, of course, an unbeatable offer. So you can monitor very well the development of the rankings for your own website.

Also, after connecting to the Google Search Console, there are information on ranking changes, Top10 / Top100 individual page rankings, click statistics, country scores, and more. Also, a comprehensive on-page analysis is included.

If you just want to monitor a website, Sistrix Smart gives you a perfect free option.


Serpproxy is an API based platform. It is backed by the robust infrastructure which provides efficient performance which can handle high volume scraping request. What you get by using this tool is top-100 search results (organic), rich snippets, ads and other top Google search modules. You can use its free plan for life of move on to premium.


SERP mojo is an app that is available for free for Android. In this app, you can create as many websites as you like and then deposit keywords for each.

Then the app automatically checks every day where the site for the relevant keywords in Google, Bing and Yahoo entwines.

Keyword Tools Google Ranking Live Check

A live check of rankings in Google is provided by the website The tool is still in the beta phase, but already well used. After entering a keyword and a domain, it determines the current ranking.

Not only the current position but also the search volume and the number of search result hits are displayed.

That’s nice, but very time consuming if you want to check a bunch of keywords. However, you can also create a free account and check the rankings of various keywords every 24 hours for free. How many keywords are allowed and how long this feature will be free, I do not know.

Ranking Spy

The online tool Ranking Spy makes it possible to manually check the rankings of a website for a specific term in Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yahoo and Ask.

This takes longer or shorter depending on the search engine, but in this way, you can check the rankings in various search engines.

Also, the tool offers a free way to check a few keywords regularly, though whoever wants to monitor more keywords automatically, must pay for the service.


With the help of some free Google ranking tools, it is relatively easy and free of charge to check which keywords your own website has in Google (and to some extent in other search engines).

Since not only the current rankings are essential, I can particularly recommend the tools that regularly check the rankings. This is the only way to track the development and, for example, evaluate the effects of sure SEO or content measures.

Which free tools for SERPS can you recommend?